Updated Appendix G - Request for Increase
Below is the form previously awarded 2021 Teacher Residency grantees may use to request to increase the amount allowable per resident to $40,000.
- Carefully read and follow the directions below to complete the form.
- After entering the required data in the fillable fields on this appendix, you will select the blue button on the bottom right of the form that will generate a PDF document.
- Once complete, download the PDF and save it using this naming convention, 2021TRI#LEAName NewAppxG (e.g., 2021TRI01SmithUSD NewAppxG).
- Email the completed PDF to Commission staff at TeacherResGrants@ctc.ca.gov by October 13, 2023.
- Grantees will be notified of approval via email.
Reminders and Definitions:
- The budget submitted on this form must not exceed $40,000 per resident.
- A minimum of $20,000 per resident must be allocated in the Salary/Stipend for Residents component.
- Authorizing legislation requires an 80% LEA match to grant funds ($0.80 district funds per every one grant dollar) for the first $25,000 in grant funds per resident. If an updated matching funds table and narrative is required, Commission staff will contact the LEA and provide a form.
- Grantees may not alter the list of approved grant funded categories that were listed in the original application except for the addition of the Salary/Stipend for Residents component.
- Grantees may claim indirect costs as part of their matching funds, but not as part of the use of grant funds.
- The Updated Appendix G will replace Appendix G Budget Overview Form and the grant narrative for the approved grant. Grantees may copy/paste any relevant information from their approved Appendix G and/or budget narrative into the online form.
How to complete the form: Refer to the budget approved from your original application. For each teacher residency program component listed, please indicate the targeted number of intended Teacher Residency Implementation and/or Expansion Grant Program residents to be supported annually by that component. All categories of planned grant funds expenditures must also be detailed in the budget narrative prompts that follow the table.
Important Note: Please read the information provided via email about the requirements for the per resident increase before filling out and submitting this form.