Classified School Employees Teacher Credentialing Program

Eligible applicants for the California Classified School Employee Teacher Credentialing Program (Classified Grant) are Local Education Agencies (LEAs)—school districts, county offices of education, or charter schools—interested in securing grant funding to recruit classified school employees to participate in a program designed to support their completion both of an undergraduate degree and a Commission-approved teacher preparation program so that the employee can become qualified to provide instructional services as credentialed teachers in the public schools and/or to create a new program, or expand an existing program, that recruits and supports expanding learning and preschool program staff and addresses kindergarten and early childhood education teacher shortages.
  • After entering the required data in the fillable fields on each of these appendices, you will select the blue button on the bottom right of the form that will generate a PDF document. Open the document in a PDF editor (Adobe Acrobat) to add electronic signatures where appropriate.
  • The complete set of PDF documents must be submitted with the application by the date and time indicated in the RFA. Applications submitted to the Commission without all proper appendices attached may not be reviewed or evaluated.
  • Note regarding Appendix G: If the application is submitted by a consortium or if the proposed partnership includes more than one institution of higher education (IHE), the applicant will generate multiple Appendix G documents.
  • Please merge all appendices and narrative response to the questions in the RFA into a single PDF for submission.