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Classified School Employees Teacher Credentialing Program
CS Supplementary Authorization Incentive Grant
Diverse Education Leaders Pipeline Initiative (DELPI)
Dyslexia Grants for Preparation Programs
Integrated Program Planning Grant
Integrated Program Implementation and Expansion Grant
Reading and Literacy Supplementary Authorization Incentive Grant
School Counselor Residency Capacity Grant
School Counselor Residency Implementation Grant
Statewide Teacher Residency Technical Assistance Center Grant
Teacher Residency Capacity Grant
Teacher Residency Implementation and Expansion Grant
Teacher Residency Grants - Resident Stipend Increase Request Form
CS Supplementary Authorization Incentive Grant
Statutory Priority Points
Appendix G - Statutory Priority Points
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Directions: Indicate if the applicant LEA qualifies for any of the following statutory priority points:
1. Applicant LEA has school(s) with a high percentage of the enrolled unduplicated pupils, as defined in Section 42238.02 of the Education Code.
If Yes, Name, Location, and percentage of unduplicated pupils of Qualifying School(s)
2. Applicant LEA has school(s) located in a rural area.
If Yes, Name, Location, and percentage of unduplicated pupils of Qualifying School(s)