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Note: The form below is provided for reference. The electronic version of Appendix F is available on the Commission’s Grant Funded Program website. Carefully read and follow the directions to complete the form and generate a PDF version that can be attached to the final application. All narrative responses and PDF appendices must be submitted as one application.

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Administrative Approval from the Superintendent or Authorized Administrator of the Applicant Local Education Agency (LEA)
  1. I have thoroughly read all portions of this application.
  2. All statements and data contained in this application are accurate.
  3. If awarded the Statewide Residency Technical Assistance Center Grant, the LEA agrees to participation in the activities described as well as the timelines and budgets included in the responses to criterion 1-11 in Section II of this application.
  4. Failure to comply with funding terms, with mutually agreed upon meetings scheduled between the grant funded LEA and Commission staff, and /or with reporting requirements could put future disbursements of the grant award for the Statewide Residency Technical Assistance Center Grant at risk.
  5. Per authorizing legislation, the grant funded LEA shall collaborate with the Commission to develop and disseminate technical assistance including but not limited to attending regularly scheduled meetings with Commission staff, providing updates on progress on the implementation plan outlined in the grant application, and preparing the final report due to the Governor and legislature due on or before December 31, 2029.