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Administrative Approval from the Superintendent of the Applicant Local Education Agency(LEA) and the Authorized Administrator of the Applicant IHE Partner:
Please add pages as necessary if the application represents a consortium
By signing below, I affirm that:
I have thoroughly read all portions of this application.
All statements and data contained in this application are accurate.
If awarded a Teacher Residency Capacity Grant, the LEA agrees to participation in the capacity building activities described as well as the timelines and budgets included in the responses to criterion 1-7 in Section II of this application.
Administrative Approval from an Authorized Administrator of the Applicant’s IHE Partner(s)
By signing below, I affirm that:
I have thoroughly read all portions of this application.
All statements and data contained in this application are accurate.
If awareded a Teacher Residency Capacity Grant, the LEA agrees to participation in the capacity building activities described as well as the timelines and budgets included in the responses to criterion 1-7 in Section II of this application.