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Section I - Past Grant Stewardship
In the table below, list the names of all state-funded Commission-administered grants that have been awarded to the LEA, any LEA member listed in a consortium, and any of the IHE partners named in the application. Commission administered grants include:
  • Teacher or School Counselor Residency Grant Programs
  • Classified School Employee Teacher Credentialing Program
  • Diverse Education Leaders Pipeline Initiative Grant Program
  • Local Solutions to the Shortage of Special Education Teachers Grant
  • Integrated Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Grants
  • Dyslexia Grants to Preparation Programs
  • Computer Science Supplementary Authorization Incentive
  • Reading and Literacy Supplementary Authorization Incentive
Important note: if applicants and IHE partners have never received a grant award, enter N/A.
Information must be entered in the following format, with each LEA on a new line. DO NOT USE *** as this will become a new line:
LEA or IHE Name - Commission Administered Grant Awarded - Academic Year of Grant Award
Section II – Accreditation Status
In the table below, enter the current accreditation status of each Commission-approved institution (LEA, IHE) - including induction programs - named in the application. For assistance in completing this table, refer to the Accreditation Report page on the Commission’s website.
Information must be entered in the following format, with each LEA on a new line. DO NOT USE *** as this will become a new line:
LEA or IHE Name - Commission-Approved Teacher Preparation Program - Accreditation Decision (awarded to the unit) - Date of Accreditation Report - Commission-Approved Induction Program