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Please note that applicants with multiple LEA and/or IHE Appendix E signatories should combine all signature blocks into one PDF before submitting the Appendix with your grant application.

The Residency Program Assures the Commission that if awarded grant funding:

  1. All residents will teach at least one-half time alongside a teacher of record, who is designated as the experienced mentor teacher, for at least one full school year while engaging in initial preparation coursework. (Appendix A (a)(2))
  2. It is the responsibility of the Commission-approved teacher preparation program offered at the regionally accredited IHE to enroll the candidate in the program and to recommend a resident for the preliminary teaching credential once all requirements have been met.
  3. Grantee LEAs or consortiums agree to prepare residents to teach and eventually be hired in a school within the jurisdiction of the grant recipient, or in the state of California.
  4. All residents agree in writing to serve in a school within the jurisdiction of the grant recipient that sponsored the candidate, or another public school in California, for a period of at least four school years beginning with the school year that begins after the candidate successfully completes the initial year of preparation and obtains a preliminary teaching credential. (Appendix A (j))
  5. Each resident employed by the grantee LEA will receive mentoring and beginning teacher induction support following the completion of the initial credential program necessary to obtain a clear credential and ongoing professional development and networking opportunities during the candidate’s first years of teaching at no cost to the candidate. (Appendix A (g)(3))
  6. The LEA and IHE will cooperatively comply with the Commission’s mandated reporting requirements, submitted by stated due dates, including but not limited to:
    1. Teacher Residency Implementation and Expansion Grant Program Annual Report. The report template is available upon request. This report is updated every year in the grant reporting cycle.
    2. The Teacher Residency Implementation and Expansion Grant Program Projections Report. The report template is available upon request. This report provides information for the funding amount for each subsequent year of the grant.
    3. Results from candidate and program graduate surveys of the quality of preparation they received.
    4. Best practices found to be effective in implementing the program.
    5. Factors promoting or hindering residency program implementation.
    6. Lessons learned to inform future investments in teacher residency programs.

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Administrative Approval from the Superintendent of the Applicant Local Education Agency (LEA) and the Authorized Administrator of the Applicant IHE Partner:
*It is expected that if the application represents a consortium, ALL LEA partners will sign these agreements, including partner LEAs within a county office of education*
By signing below, I affirm that:
1. I have thoroughly read all portions of this application including the assurance statements included on this form.
2. All statements and data contained in this application are accurate.
3. If awarded a Teacher Residency Implementation and Expansion Grant, the LEA agrees to participation in the activities described as well as the timelines and budgets included in the responses to criterion 1-10 in Section II of this application.
Administrative Approval from an Authorized Administrator of the Applicant’s IHE Partner(s)
*It is expected that ALL IHE partners will sign these agreements*
By signing below, I affirm that:
1. I have thoroughly read all portions of this application including the assurance statements included on this form.
2. All statements and data contained in this application are accurate.
3. If awarded a Teacher Residency Implementation and Expansion Grant, the IHE agrees to participation in the activities described as well as the timelines and budgets included in the responses to criterion 1-10 in Section II of this application.